THE RRM PHOTO SESSIONS 2018: STREET STYLE SD Meet up in San Diego at Chicano Park on Sunday, Jan 28th @ 3 pm This is for anyone interested in networking with photographers including amateur photographers, photo enthusiasts, local models and our RRM San Diego girls! Let’s explore San Diego through the eyes of our camera lenses. Each meet will include a guided walk with interesting stops in-between or just in one location to capture and shoot buildings, streets, environmental portraits, sunsets and guest models/performers. We will end the night with a late night meal, etc. What a great opportunity to network with professionals! Events will be held throughout San Diego once a month and posted every 31st of each Month


RRM San Diego Members:  Jessica-Rocio-Carmen-Maggie-JoAnn-Stef-Maglie

Maglie Stef Maggie and Rocco Nyla JoAnn Maggie-Rocio-Stef]]>